16 November 2011

Still Alive

Though we haven't made much of an appearance lately, we are doing well. Over the past week we've been battling runny noses and a serious Dayquil dependency (mostly mama!) but needless to say, it hasn't been ALL bad. We've enjoyed the snuggles!

Once we're feeling better and back to the daily grind, I'll be sure to do a little updating. SOMEBODY (ahem, Miss Kiri!) had a birthday last Friday and turned a whole, whopping three years old. So I've got a special little post to type up for her AND plenty of pictures to take and share at this weekend's birthday party! So please keep a look out!


10 November 2011

Silly Mama

Lots and lots to tell, since it's been QUITE the crazy past few weeks BUT! For now, here's a little laugh to get you through this hectic Hump Day.
