19 April 2011

Mama's New Project.

This little girl. This ray of sunshine. By golly, I can't even muster up the words to describe how much I love her. Or how much she's changed me over the past two and a half years. So much personality and sass...so full of life. Smarty pants to the enth degree. Liker of all things messy and creative. Can't believe she's almost three.

She's getting to the stage where she's so responsive, with her own thoughts and opinions...(yes, she's become QUITE the little character!)...that I feel it's necessary to start catching these lengthy conversations we have with each other on video. I think it'd prove just how much of a ham she is, while causing a bit of contagious giggle too.

So be on the lookout for our new set of films, "Punky Says". Probably won't start for a few days, considering the fact that our schedule's been pretty hectic lately, nevertheless, they're coming soon! I may even start a few of myself...we'll see.


  1. What a beautiful post! Our little ones must be the same age. My son James turns 3 at the end of August! Isn't this just the best age!? What a beautiful lifestyle blog you have here . . . I have really enjoyed the few posts I have read so far! xo Samantha

  2. Thank you so much lady! I love your blog as well!

    Kiri (or Punky as we call her) turns three in November. I absolutely adore this age: the clarity of their vocabulary, the sharing, the creativity. It's simply adorable.

    Happy reading! xo
