23 April 2011

Melt my heart.

There is nothing---nothing in the entire universe---sweeter than the bond these two have. With Papa being super busy and away ninety percent of the time, we really have come to savor the moments we share together. Moments like these, (which were regrettably taken with my iPhone), but precious nonetheless.

I just can't explain in words how fond they are of each other. Papa's come a long way since the birth of Punky. Freshly eighteen, out of Army Basic Training, with no experience with children whatsoever, he was terrified of making mistakes as a father. So he didn't do anything at all. (Well, he helped me, but refused to tackle a parenting job alone, with the fear that he'd hurt her or screw up royally!) And now look at him. Every chance he gets, he offers to let me take a bubble bath, while they play Zombie Farm (an iPhone app and one of Punky's faves), run to the grocery store together or cuddle for "bonding time". Bonding time?! Who is this man? Since when did he go from freaked out newbie to calm and collected father of the year? I'm definitely not complaining, as it's a pleasure to be able to let the relationship between my husband and our babe intensify, meanwhile I get to tackle tedious lady chores like shaving and such. But I'm shocked as to how much of a 180 he's done over the past two and a half years. And how much she's benefited from it.

By all means Papa, she's half yours. But I have to warn ya. If my heart swells even the least bit more, it's gonna burst at the seams with adoration. Just thought I'd put it out there. 


  1. What a sweet post! And I love the pictures of the two of them- precious!

  2. Anonymous19:56

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  3. Super sweet post. You can definitely see the bond they share with each other. So much love.

  4. What a beautiful little girl!

  5. awwwwww adorable!

  6. you have such a cute blog!! i love all of the pictures. :)

  7. what a beautiful lil family. love your blog. very sweet
