04 December 2011

101 in 1001

Hello friends! Thanks to my all-time favorite blogger Angel at This Life Is Sweet, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and start a ‘101 in 1001’ bucket list!
This is a HUGE task for me. Especially since I’m the type of person who NEVER finishes something I start. Mostly because I spend 99% of my time doing things for others, so I throw whatever business I had to the side and then forgetting that it’s there altogether. It’s not entirely my fault though!
Nevertheless, after reading some of the things she had listed on there (and stealing some too!) I decided to try it! And with some serious self-motivation, I plan on finishing it. 101 things in 1001 days? I think I could do it…and you should too! List some of your favorite things or even things you dream about doing. Maybe once you have them written down, those things will stop being JUST A DREAM and actually become A REALITY!


Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.


Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching {ie. represent some amount of work on your part}.
Start date: Sunday, December 04, 2011
End date: Saturday, September 15, 2014

Strikethrough completed goals

Mind, Body & Spirit:

1. Love who I am
2. Be completely happy with life
3. Get back to my pre-baby weight
4. Finally take our honeymoon!
5. Watch the sunrise
6. Go on a family vacation
7. Drink a cup of tea each morning
8. Take a Yoga class
9. Get more tattoos
10. Remember to meditate every day
11. Regulate my sleeping habits
12. Go to the gym five days a week
13. Do yoga five days a week
14. Remember that I’m not perfect and nobody is
15. Learn to love myself like I do others
16. Ride on the back of a Harley
17. Compliment myself each morning when I wake up
18.  Watch the sunset –romantically- with my husband
19. Mail a secret to Postsecret
20. Start going to bed before 2am
21. Spend an entire weekend without internet


22. Learn how to sew
23. Fully furnish our new apartment
24. Finish Kiri’s new room
25. Finish our master bedroom
26. Paint a picture
27. Begin making a scrapbook for Kiri
28. Build Kiri a dollhouse
29. Take out my DSLR and photograph more
30. Make a black & white photo album with my photography
31. Create something & send it to a random friend
32. Throw an amazing completely homemade party

Loved Ones:

33. Read Kiri a book every day for a month {31+/31}
34. Spend a weekend with my husband, alone
35. Take Kiri to Disney World
36. Start a new family tradition
37. Teach Kiri about different cultures
38. Make Date Nights with Papa more regular, at least once a month
39. Stop co-sleeping
40. Stop co-showering
41. Learn to say ‘No’ to people, including/especially family
42. Get Kiri into Volunteer PreK, as she asks!

Social Deeds:

43. Make some new mommy friends
44. Plan a Pinterest inspired craft party
45. Volunteer for a charitable cause
46. Donate stuff we don’t use to a homeless shelter

Fun Times:

47. Go skydiving
48. Go to a concert
49. Go camping
50. Go on a cruise
51. Fly on an airplane
52. Go white river rafting
53. Take a drive down the coast
54. Go on a picnic

Money & Stuff:

55. Save $50 per month for a whole year
56. Buy a new home
57. Start a rainy day jar

Travels & Adventures:

58. Visit a new country
59. Travel to each of the seven continents
60. Visit my family in Massachusetts
61. Take a road trip
62. Actually see the west coast
63. Climb a mountain
64. Ride on a city bus
65. Go to a flea market
66. Swim in a natural spring
67. Walk inside a real cave


68. Buy a MacBook!
69. Buy a Canon
70. Buy a flat screen for our room
71. Get myself some new clothing
72. Expand my shoe collection
73. Go to our local farmers market
74. Buy a new living room set
75. Buy a new dining room table
76. Get Kiri a bunk bed
77. Get some new closet storage

Food, Bev & Yummy Stuff:

78. Try sushi
79. Go a full month without drinking soda
80. Go a full month without eating any sweets
81. List 5 favorite local food joints & blog about my favorite dish
82. Make a homemade apple pie for my husband
83. Create my own dish
84. Find one recipe and make it, once a month

Other Items:

86. Start writing more
87. Buy a filing system and organize all our paperwork
88. Get rid of 50 things I no longer use
89. Transfer all my photos to an external hard drive
90. Sing karaoke
91. Have a party, just because
92. Participate in a 30 day photo challenge
93. Shave my legs, every day
94. Try a new hair color
95. Learn a new language
96. Get on birth control
97. Send a postcard to someone
98. Finish my degree
99. Finish each task I start
100. Actually finish this list
101. Start a new list when this one is completed

I'm so excited to begin!


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