03 February 2012

'Super Bowl' Sunday And A Super Bowl To Match

Being that this is our first year as non-meat eaters, my family's typical Super Bowl Sunday feast won't be anything close to what we're used to. The normal turkey burgers with all the fix-ins, heaping piles of mayonnaise-ridden potato salad and Bush's baked beans are just not gonna cut it this year. And for my beer and junk food loving husband, this could pose a challenge.

In preparation, I've been doing a lot of research. I'm trying to keep our diet as close to vegan as possible, so that when we feel we're ready to fully commit to it, it won't be such a shock to our system. So when I moseyed my way over to The Kind Life for my daily read, I was elated to see a post Alicia made about the very situation I find myself in today. Which gave me hope that you can appease your husband's burger-beer-football needs on Super Bowl Sunday. Touchdown!

So, this Sunday afternoon, when we're cheering on our home team (the New England Patriots, woo!), we'll be divulging in Boca Burgers, vegan potato salad and homemade baked beans! My stomach is already growling! 

Here's to a win in the kitchen AND a win on the field!

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