10 February 2012

Rainy Day Blues

Papa's working late tonight, so it's just me and my little sweet. It's down pouring and super dark out also, so there's not much we can do besides snuggle up under some blankets and watch 'Tangled'. On repeat.

Eh, but I don't mind. Just knowing I'm able to be here with her is enough for me. I still think I'm the luckiest. Actually, scratch that, I know I am.

In other news, I'm pretty excited about our dinner tonight. After raising Kiri on a meat-inclusive diet for the past three years, I was sort of apprehensive about letting her try veggie burgers. I didn't want her to become a picky eater or turn them away altogether. I finally got the courage after our -amazing- Whole Foods trip....(Kiri was quite impressed that they let her try oranges -they had a blood orange display up with some samples available!) and after she fell in love with the avocado smoothie and almond milk I had her try. BUT! Much to my surprise, she loved her Boca Chick'n patty! I don't even think she noticed a difference. Heck, even I couldn't! She even liked them so much, she asked for seconds! Day maker right there. My little healthy girl. Makes me smile, honestly. 

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